Camryn Gann
09 Nov 2016
Camryn Gann graduated from the University of Illinois at Springfield in May 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a minor in Environmental Studies. She was hired at Mason County Health Department that same year as the Vector Control Intern and transitioned to a full-time Environmental Health Inspector. Now serving as the Director of Environmental Health and Coordinator for the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program, Camryn is also a Licensed Environmental Health Practitioner (LEHP). Her goal is to be an approachable resource for the public, with a focus on education and awareness to help prevent foodborne and waterborne illnesses.
Contact info
Camryn Gann, BS, LEHP
Phone: 309-210-0110 ext. 240
Email: cgann@masoncohealth.com