


The Mason County Health Department provides immunizations for individuals of all ages, regardless of residency. Vaccines are available for a growing number of preventable diseases, beginning in infancy and continuing through adulthood. Routine childhood immunizations start at birth and continue at 2, 4, 6, and 12–18 months of age, with additional doses required after a child’s 4th birthday for school entry. Further vaccinations are typically needed for students entering 6th and 12th grades. College immunization requirements vary, so please check with your institution.

We offer a range of adult immunizations, including Tdap, Hepatitis A & B, Influenza (seasonal), and COVID-19 (seasonal). RSV vaccines are available for infants, pregnant individuals, and adults 65 and older. We also offer the Shingles vaccine and Prevnar 20 for those who are eligible.

Clinic Hours:

Every Tuesday by appointment. Call (309) 210-0110 to schedule.


Some immunizations are available through the federally funded Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, which provides vaccines at no cost to eligible children. VFC eligibility includes children from birth through age 18 who are enrolled in Medicaid, uninsured, underinsured (insurance does not cover vaccines), or American Indian/Alaskan Native. No payment is required for children with Medicaid. For those who qualify for VFC but do not have Medicaid, we may charge up to $23 per injection. However, no one will be denied vaccines due to inability to pay.

We accept most private insurances. Medicare Part B covers influenza, COVID-19, and Prevnar 20, while Medicare Part D covers additional vaccines with no copay. For more information on eligibility and costs, please contact us.

Please Note:

* Always bring your current insurance information to appointments.
* Anyone under the age of 18 yrs. must be accompanied by an adult.
* If an adult other than a parent or legal guardian plans to bring a child for immunizations, written consent from a parent of legal guardian specifying what immunizations are requested must be presented. Our clinic forms are available for parents/guardians to print and complete prior to appointments (see below).

Notice of Privacy Practices

Links to Additional Immunization Information:

Immunization Clinic Forms