Family Planning

Free Birth Control

To support that mission of the Mason County Health Department, the Family Planning Program believes:

  • In a program that provides quality reproductive health care at an affordable cost.
  • That everyone has the right to informed consent regarding their reproductive choices and birth control methods.
  • Teens are welcome and will receive confidential care.
  • That no one will be refused services based on their race, religion, national origin, sexual preference, income, marital status, number of pregnancies, contraceptive choices or ability to pay.

Family Planning Offer:

  • Physical exams and health screenings
  • Exams conducted at MCHD by the physicians from the University of Illinois School of Medicine.
  • Pregnancy testing and options counseling.
  • STD education, screening, diagnosis and treatment.
  • HIV/AIDS risk assessment and prevention education.
  • Birth control instruction and counseling.
  • Emergency contraception services.
  • Infertility education and referral.
  • Preconception health education.
  • Education to schools and groups
  • Assistance planning and timing pregnancies, supporting family well being & healthy babies.
  • Help aimed at preventing pregnancies through abstinence education, natural family planning and contraceptive services.