How do I get my well water tested?

The MCHD offers a water well test kit for homeowners to use to test their well water supply. The water test that we offer tests for coliform bacteria and E.coli. The kit includes a sterile water bottle, a shipping label, a form to fill out and send with the sample, and an instruction sheet detailing how to take a water sample. The water samples are sent to the IDPH lab in Springfield. Samples must be sent on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday the same day they are collected to reach the lab on time. It usually takes about 7-10 business days to get results back

The IDPH lab no longer offers nitrate testing. If you wish to test your water for any other possible contaminates we have a list of private laboratories that will test drinking water.

I am selling my home and need to get the septic system and water well inspected. How do I set that up?

The MCHD offers an Environmental Loan Review for real-estate transactions. As part of the ELR, a representative of the MCHD will make a site visit to the house to inspect the water well. We will look at the well and take a water sample. The MCHD no longer does septic inspections for a real-estate transaction. If you need the septic system inspected you would need to contact a septic contractor. For a list of contractors contact MCHD. If you would like to schedule an ELR, please complete the ELR application and submit with the appropriate fee.