FDA Food Code: What you need to know

FDA Food Code: What you need to know

Description: This class is for the owners and managers of the food establishments in Mason County. The class will go over all the major changes and differences between the Part 750 Food Service Sanitation Code and the FDA Food Code. We will also go over the new inspection form and the new scoring system. This class is not a requirement; however we strongly encourage owners/managers to attend. We will have classes in Havana, Manito, and Mason City. All classes begin at 8am and will last approximately one hour.

Cost: Free

Registration: To register for this class please fill out our registration form and return it to us as soon as possible. Space is limited in each of the classes so please return the form early to reserve your spot.

Location: March 6 and May 10 – First United Methodist Church, 101 S. Broadway, Havana, IL

March 13 and May 17 – First Assembly of God Church, 121 E. Arch St., Mason City, IL

March 20 and May 24 – Community United Methodist Church, 109 S. Washington, Manito, IL

Event Details

  • Date : March 20, 2017 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
  • Venue: Community United Methodist Church